This API is currently in closed beta, if you would like to participate please contact us!

Invoices are a critical part of the Drivly ecosystem, allowing businesses to track and manage payments owed to Drivly for services rendered. Our Invoicing API provides clients with the ability to view and pay invoices in a simple, easy to use API and UI.

API Capabilities

  • View upcoming, and current invoices: View all invoices that are currently due, or have been paid.
  • Pay invoices: Pay invoices that are due, ensuring that work can go smoothly.
  • Manage payment methods: Add, remove, and update payment methods for your account.
  • Receive notifications: Receive notifications when an invoice is created, updated, or paid.

Payment Flow

When an invoice is created, you will receive a webhook event with the details of the invoice. This event will contain the total amount of the invoice, the items that are included in the invoice, and a link to pay the invoice. Once the invoice is paid, you will receive another webhook event with the details of the invoice, and the status of the invoice will be updated to paid.

For this example, Connor has ordered a wash and detail for his car, however since that API requires payment before work can begin, an invoice was created. Connor will receive an email, and a webhook event, with the details of the invoice.


Trigger an invoice to be created

When Connor orders a wash and detail for his car, an invoice is created. This invoice will contain the total amount of the wash and detail, and a link to pay the invoice.


Receive a notification that an invoice is due

Connor will receive an email, and a webhook event, with the details of the invoice.

Including a detailed list of what is included in the invoice. This will allow Connor to review the invoice, and ensure that everything is correct before paying.


Pay using our payment processor

Once the link is clicked, Connor will be taken to our payment processor to pay the invoice. This page is hosted by Stripe, our payment processor, and is secure.


Receive a notification that the invoice has been paid

Once the invoice has been paid, Connor will receive another email, and a webhook event, with the details of the invoice.

This will allow Connor to know that the invoice has been paid, and that the work can now begin.

API Reference

View routes and endpoints for the Invoicing API.

Webhook Events