
The Broker service provides a platform for vehicle sourcing, selling, and management. It connects buyers and sellers with professional brokers who can help them find the right vehicle, negotiate the best price, and complete the transaction securely and efficiently.

The Broker Experience

To use a broker, follow these steps:


Find a Vehicle

Provide buyer details and vehicle preferences to the broker.

  "requestType": "findVehicle",
  "buyerDetails": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "contact": {
      "email": "johndoe@example.com",
      "phone": "+1234567890"
  "vehiclePreferences": {
    "make": "Toyota",
    "model": "Camry",
    "year": "2020",
    "maxPrice": 25000

Review Vehicle List

Receive a list of vehicles sourced by the broker that match your preferences.

  "responseType": "vehicleList",
  "vehicles": [
      "vehicleId": "VH001",
      "make": "Toyota",
      "model": "Camry",
      "year": "2020",
      "price": 24000,
      "condition": "Excellent",
      "dealer": {
        "name": "Super Cars",
        "location": "1234 Car Street, Car City, CC 12345",
        "contact": {
          "email": "sales@supercars.com",
          "phone": "+1987654321"
      "vehicleId": "VH002",
      "make": "Toyota",
      "model": "Camry",
      "year": "2020",
      "price": 24500,
      "condition": "Very Good",
      "dealer": {
        "name": "Auto Depot",
        "location": "5678 Auto Ave, Auto Town, AT 67890",
        "contact": {
          "email": "contact@autodepot.com",
          "phone": "+1230987654"

Consult with Broker

Consult with the broker to select a vehicle, negotiate the price, and finalize the deal.

If more searching is needed, the broker will refine the search based on feedback provided.


Complete Transaction

Complete the transaction securely and efficiently with broker support.