
The Taxes & Fees API provides detailed information on the taxes, fees, and loan payments associated with purchasing a vehicle. By providing the VIN, ZIP Code, and Credit Score, you can receive a comprehensive breakdown of the costs involved in the sale. This information is crucial for customers to make informed decisions about their purchase.

In this guide, we’ll follow an example scenario:

Sara has decided to purchase a used Porsche 911. Given her budget it is unclear to her how much she will actually pay after all of the taxes, fees, registration, and loan payments. It is crucial for her to understand the full scope of potential costs.

To complete this scenario, you will need to:

  1. Make an API call
  2. Process the response
  3. Present the results to Sara.



Make the API Call

Sara has a credit score of 720 and is interested in a used car with VIN WP0AF2A99KS165242 and lives in ZIP Code 33132.

const vin = 'WP0AF2A99KS165242'
const url = new URL(`https://taxes.vin/WP0AF2A99KS165242`)

const params = {
  zip: '33132',
  creditScore: '720',

url.search = new URLSearchParams(params).toString()

const headers = {
  Authorization: 'Bearer YOUR_API_KEY',

fetch(url, { headers }).then((r) => r.json())

Process the Response

After receiving the response, extract the necessary information to present the taxes, fees, and loan payment calculations to Sara.

const taxes = data.payments.taxes
const fees = data.payments.fees
const loanAmount = data.payments.loanAmount
const monthlyPayment = data.payments.loanMonthlyPayment
const monthlyPaymentWithTaxes = data.payments.loanMonthlyPaymentWithTaxes

Present the Results

Present the taxes, fees, and loan payment calculations to Sara. She can now make an informed decision about the potential costs and loan payments for the vehicle.

console.log('Loan Amount:', loanAmount)
console.log('Monthly Payment (without taxes):', monthlyPayment)
console.log('Monthly Payment (with taxes):', monthlyPaymentWithTaxes)

for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(taxes)) {
  console.log(' ', key, ': $', value)

for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(fees)) {
  if (key === 'dmvFeesItemized') {
    console.log(' DMV Fees Itemized:')
    for (const dmvFee of value) {
      console.log(' ', dmvFee.name, ': $', dmvFee.value)
  } else {
    console.log(' ', key, ': $', value)

Review the results

The output will provide Sara with a detailed breakdown of the costs, taxes, and fees associated with the automotive sale.

  "loanAmount": "$29200.92",
  "monthlyPaymentWithoutTaxes": "$430.36",
  "monthlyPaymentWithTaxes": "$483.53",
  "taxes": {
    "citySalesTax": "$194.93",
    "combinedSalesTax": "$2663.98",
    "countySalesTax": "$64.97",
    "districtSalesTax": "$844.68",
    "stateSalesTax": "$1559.40",
    "gasGuzzlerTax": "$0.00"
  "fees": {
    "titleFee": "$23",
    "registrationFee": "$65",
    "dmvFee": "$338.94",
    "combinedFees": "$546.94",
    "docFee": "$120"
  "dmvFeesItemized": {
    "airQualityFee": "$6",
    "alternativeFuelTechnologyFee": "$3",
    "autoTheftDeterrenceDuiFee": "$2",
    "fingerprintIdFee": "$1",
    "highwayPatrolFee": "$29",
    "reflectorizedLicensePlateFee": "$1",
    "serviceAuthorityForFreewayEmergenciesFee": "$1",
    "smogAbatementFee": "$12",
    "transferFee": "$15",
    "transportationImprovementFee": "$100",
    "vehicleLicenseFee": "$168.94"

While the data provided by the API is as accurate as we can make it, it should be reviewed before making any decisions that can impact sales, taxes, or other financial decisions.


You have successfully implemented the Taxes & Fees API in your application, giving Sara a clear understanding of the costs and loan payments associated with purchasing a used Porsche 911. With this information, she can confidently proceed with the purchase.

Next Steps

Review the API reference for the Taxes & Fees API

Reference – Taxes & Fees

Explore the Taxes & Fees API endpoint and parameters.